Lutheran Hour Ministries Partner Credit Card
Sign up for the Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) Mastercard, and every time you make a purchase, a donation will be made to LHM’s Global Gospel Proclamation Fund, making it possible to share the Good News of Jesus with people all around the world.

Not only will you get all the benefits of a Credit Card with competitive rates, but you can use your purchasing power to help proclaim the Gospel around the world. Sign up today!

Existing Members Apply Here!
New Members Join Today!
- Competitively low-variable APRs starting at 11.99%*
- Introductory Special: 0% APR* on purchases for six months
- Introductory Special: 2.99% APR* on balance transfers for six months
- No annual fee
- No balance transfer fees
- 24-hour online account access
- Secure EMV chip technology
- No increase in APR for Balance Transfers and Cash Advances
How Will I Receive the Monthly Billing Statements?
Each month, an email notice will be sent to the church’s/entities primary email address reminding you that your monthly E-statement is ready for viewing and/or printing. To access your monthly E-statements, just login to your Online Home Banking Account, choose “Online Services”, and then “E-statements”.
How Can I Make My Credit Card Payment?
There are many options for setting up your monthly payments.
• You may set up a one-time or recurring payment by choosing the applicable option under the “Transfers” tab within your Online Home Banking account if LutheranFCU is your primary financial institution.
• You can set up a Bill Pay through your other financial institution to go towards your loan.
• You can authorize LutheranFCU to automatically set up your monthly payments by ACH. To do this, please complete the Automated Loan Payment Authorization Request form.
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Rate referenced is the lowest rate possible for qualified consumer/personal borrowers and is based on meeting specific underwriting criteria. This offer is for new LutheranFCU partner credit card holders only
+View the LutheranFCU Mastercard benefits brochure.
See LutheranFCU’s Credit Card Disclosure.
To report a lost or stolen card call (888) 241-2510. For calls outside USA, call (909) 941-1398.